Subdivision Plans

Subdivision plans can only be prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor under the provisions of the Surveying and spatial information Act, 2002. A Plan of Subdivision is a method of dividing land into two or more parcels or lots so that those parcels or lots can be held in separate ownership.

Mony Seng has many years of experience in preparing Torrens Title, Strata Title and Stratum Title Subdivision Plans. We have access to the LPI's internet based Eplan system which allows the electronic lodgement of plans for pre-examination and registration.
East Coast Positioning has been responsible for surveys of:

  • Ella Place, Barden Ridge 50 Lots Subdivision for Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council.
  • Sproule Road, Alfords Point 12 Lots Subdivision for Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council.
  • Shone Ave, Horsley 118 Lots Subdivision

At Barden Ridge and Alfords Point East Coast provided detail surveys for planning purposes, marking of potential road locations to assist engineers to finalise designs, locating rare and endangered flora and aboriginal archaeological sites, final pegging, As Built Surveys, preparation of linen plans and 88B Instruments which reflected extensive environmental restrictions.
